Apple Issues Apology Over Controversial Shade of Blue on New iPad

Apple Asylum

Cupertino, CA - In an unexpected turn of events, Apple has issued an official apology to customers who were “deeply upset” by the shade of blue on their latest iPad model. The new color, intended to evoke a sense of calm and sophistication, has instead drawn criticism for its uncanny resemblance to the interior walls of turn-of-the-century insane asylums.

The color, aptly named “Serene Blue,” was meant to invoke a sense of tranquility and modernity. However, a growing number of customers have voiced their concerns, saying the hue is strikingly similar to the institutional walls seen in historical photographs of early 20th-century asylums.

“We wanted to create a color that speaks to creativity, peace, and innovation,” said an Apple spokesperson. “Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that the shade reminds some people of less pleasant associations. For that, we sincerely apologize.”

Social media quickly became a hotbed of discussion, with users sharing side-by-side comparisons of the iPad’s “Serene Blue” and the walls of infamous institutions like Danvers State Hospital and Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane.

One user tweeted, “Every time I open my iPad, I feel like I’m stepping back into a terrifying era of mental health history. Couldn’t Apple have chosen literally any other color?”

Another customer wrote on Facebook, “I loved the new iPad until I realized the blue reminded me of my great-grandfather’s stories about the asylums of the 1900s. Not a comforting association.”

In response to the growing uproar, Apple announced they would offer a free color exchange program for all customers dissatisfied with “Serene Blue.” The company also pledged to refine its color selection process to ensure better cultural sensitivity moving forward.

We always strive to create products that resonate positively with our users,” the spokesperson added. “While we cannot change history, we are committed to learning from this experience and making thoughtful design choices in the future.

Despite the backlash, tech reviewers have continued to praise the new iPad for its technical prowess and advanced features. The controversy has not significantly impacted sales, though many customers are now opting for the alternate colors of “Midnight Gray” and “Sunset Gold.”

As Apple navigates this unforeseen PR challenge, it’s a clear reminder that even in the world of cutting-edge technology, color choice remains a delicate art.